- What do you see when you hit ‘View Error’?
- What is the account number and index/corpus id?
Customer id: 2256187757
Index id: 4
If the corpus/index is empty or your query has no match then you would see that. I am going to assume that your corpus has documents indexed. If you know the content you indexed, can you query words from the content and see if it get results. Maybe “summarize the docs” naturally doesn’t match any content you indexed. Please let me know what you find.
can you confirm that you have documents in that corpus?
can you confirm that you have documents in that corpus?
In case it’s not clear how to do this, you can do this by checking the account size using this button in the top-right corner of the corpus view.
I am experiencing the same issue. I have queries keywords in the document but still getting the same the response “Summarization failed as there are no query results.”. I used the standard indexing API to deploy the document