New Account (business email addr) - No Verification Email

HI, new user here.

I can create an account using the Google SSO, but when I try to register using a business email addr, i never receive the verification email, so the registration keeps timing out.

  • not getting sent to junk/spam folders
  • have used this email for other registrations, no issues

Any ideas? I’d really like to have my account linked to a domain email addr.


Hey @IMTanuki -
Sorry that this is happening. To help our team further diagnose, can you please share your email address you are trying with Google SSO.
Please don’t share here in the forums, but rather can you please email it to (along with this context)?


Sure, I can do that. But I am running into further (non-account) issues trying to run create-ui. Rather than overload this topic, I’ll open a new one.

Thx for the quick response