Which summarizer options does my plan not support?

I am using the Chat API to start a chat from my python app. I copied the code for starting a chat from Start a chat | Vectara Docs. It errored out with "FAILED_PRECONDITION: Customer plan does not support advanced summarizer options". But I have already confirmed via the List generation presets | Vectara Docs call that all summarizers are enabled for my plan. My guess is that some knobs of the summarizer are not enabled. How can I find out which ones those are?

BTW I am trying to use the vectara-summary-ext-v1.2.0 preset.

Hi. I’ve tried setting some knobs for your account. Can you please try and see if it is working for you now?

Thanks for the reply, @tallat. I tried again, but it didn’t work. Here are the findings of my debug so far:

  1. Using the snippet
    "reranker": {
    "type": "customer_reranker",
    "reranker_name": "Rerank_Multilingual_v1"
    results in the error.

  2. Using the snippet
    "max_used_search_results": 5,
    "prompt_template": "[\n {\"role\": \"system\", \"content\": \"You are a helpful search assistant.\"},\n #foreach ($qResult in $vectaraQueryResults)\n {\"role\": \"user\", \"content\": \"Given the $vectaraIdxWord[$foreach.index] search result.\"},\n {\"role\": \"assistant\", \"content\": \"${qResult.getText()}\" },\n #end\n {\"role\": \"user\", \"content\": \"Generate a summary for the query '${vectaraQuery}' based on the above results.\"}\n]\n",
    "max_response_characters": 300,
    "response_language": "auto",
    "model_parameters": {
    "max_tokens": 0,
    "temperature": 0,
    "frequency_penalty": 0,
    "presence_penalty": 0
    results in the error.

  3. Using the snippet
    "citations": {
    "style": "none",
    "url_pattern": "https://vectara.com/documents/{doc.id}",
    "text_pattern": "{doc.title}"
    does NOT result in the error.

  4. Findings 1, 2 and 3 are independent of each other.

Thanks for the details. The features you have listed in the bullet points are part of our scale plan, not growth plan. Which pricing plan are you on?

Thanks, @tallat. That makes sense.

I am on the Growth plan. (Actually, it’s my high-schooler daughter who’s creating the app; I am just corresponding on her behalf because she’s a kid, and helping her with debugs when needed.)

I’ll explain the constraints of the Growth plan to her.

Ah that’s great to hear. If it helps her and gets her motivated with this tech, I can enable these scale features on her account. Though the agreement then will be that it’ll be time bounded, after which we’ll have to delete the account.