Summary returned in Spanish

I send an English question through the query, and make sure to set responseLang to “eng” in my payload.
The source data is in Spanish, but my understanding is that Vectara would formulate a summary and translate it back in English.


'{"query": [{"query": "Who was the president of this tribunal?", "start": 0, "numResults": 10, "contextConfig": {"charsBefore": 0, "charsAfter": 0, "sentencesBefore": 2, "sentencesAfter": 2, "startTag": "<b>", "endTag": "</b>"}, "corpusKey": [{"customerId": "removed", "corpusId": "5", "semantics": 0, "dim": [], "metadataFilter": "(doc.CaseUIN=\'IC/0256\')", "lexicalInterpolationConfig": {"lambda": 0.025}}], "summary": [{"summarizerPromptName": "", "maxSummarizedResults": 5, "responseLang": "eng", "summarizerPromptId": 1, "promptText": "", "debug": false, "responseChars": 0}]}]}'

Summary returned:

‘\nEl Presidente del Tribunal en este caso fue Lawrence G S Boo [3], quien lleg\u00F3 a un acuerdo con el resto de los \u00E1rbitros sobre el incumplimiento del Demandado de sus obligaciones en virtud del TCE, y la compensaci\u00F3n a ser pagada a los Demandantes [1,2,5].’