I have two questions related to each other.
- How can i properly provide context for a conversation like in the following screenshot?
Request body was
"query": [
"query": "What's the test sensitivity?",
"queryContext": "",
"start": 0,
"numResults": 10,
"corpusKey": [
"customerId": 1234455,
"corpusId": 1,
"semantics": 0,
"lexicalInterpolationConfig": {
"lambda": 0.025
"dim": [],
"metadataFilter": "part.type='IFU' and part.entity='Xtrava Health'"
"context_config": {
"charsBefore": 0,
"charsAfter": 0,
"sentences_before": 2,
"sentences_after": 2,
"start_tag": "%START_SNIPPET%",
"end_tag": "%END_SNIPPET%"
"summary": [
"responseLang": "en",
"maxSummarizedResults": 5,
"summarizerPromptId": 1,
"promptText": "",
"debug": false,
"responseChars": 0
I know there is field called queryContext. I couldn’t find documentation on how to use it. So i tried setting it with a couple of different text. In which none worked for me.
I tried the following:
"query": "[NEW_QUERY]",
"queryContext": "[PREVIOUS_QUERY]",
"query": "[NEW_QUERY]",
"queryContext": "[PREVIOUS_SUMMARY_TEXT]",
"query": "[NEW_QUERY]",
- Can the api return short answers? Like yes and no answers. Or in the above screenshot, to give me the number I ask it for?