I’m attempting to use the MockingBird model to make a chatbot only answer questions related to the .PDF document data in the corpus (so a question like “How is the weather?” or “How are you?” should not give out a long answer but rather a simple “Please try a different search or restate your question in another way” message)
When creating a chatbot using the create-ui package’s ‘npx @vectara/create-ui’ command, there is no option to set the summary model to anything other than ‘vectara-summary-ext-v1.2.0’, as far as I have seen.
Trying to change it manually in ‘SearchContext.tsx’ to ‘mockingbird-1.0-2024-07-16’ yields no changes in the summarization.
I’ve tried to see the docs, API docs, and the create-ui GitHub page for any possible way to change the setup of the summary model but haven’t found any success.
If it helps, I used this tutorial to create the chatbot itself:
If anyone has a solution, I would appreciate your help.