Error 500 message when uploading pdfs

Hi I can’t upload anything into the corpus area.

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Can you kindly share what exact error message you’re seeing? Or screenshot of the error? It’ll help us debug. Thanks.

I’m also affected and am in a rush to get a demo live for a major client. Here is the screenshot - I’ve tried a few different corpora, and different file formats Word vs. PDF - Screenshot - 3468e86990efec1eed2f4edf86e632c3 - Gyazo

Hi it is now working. I was getting the same error as @Emil_Heidkamp

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Hi Emil, how long have you been using Vectara? I am trying to find someone to work with on it! I’m not a programmer but have some ideas on use cases.

Been using it for almost a year. Feel free to email or message

Apologies for the issues.
I hope the demo went well Emil.